Excerpts from Master’s Thesis:

Development of an Illustrated Guide to the Health Management of Captive Raptors

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MD DNR) houses and cares for raptors (birds of prey) that suffer injuries that necessitate permanent captivity. This thesis was initiated to address the MD DNR’s critical need for visually rich, comprehensive training and reference material that conveys best practices for captive-raptor health care. “An Illustrated Guide to Health Management of Captive Raptors” was created to enhance the learning process for these technical procedures such as handling methods, performing health checks, and administering first aid by combining clear, concise text with didactic illustration. Sarah Milbourne, Lead Park Ranger with the MD DNR during the time this thesis was completed, was a key collaborator.

Below are select excerpts from the guide book. Enjoy!


Bay-Headed Tanager Captive Breeding